Thursday, August 09, 2007

Regulatory Requirements for Information Security Policies

Some organizations still receive little management support or funding for a sound information security policy program. Within the last several years, however, numerous federal, state and international regulations have been passed that require the protection of information. Many organizations are now enhancing their information security policies in response to legal and regulatory requirements.

In some cases, these regulations are very specific about the requirements for written security and privacy policies. In other cases, a regulation simply requires safeguards that are "appropriate" for the size and type of organization. In these cases, enforcement agencies and auditors must defer to accepted best practices or frameworks for guidance, all of which require written policies. Examples of these are the Generally Accepted Information Security Principles (GAISP), Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT®) and ISO/IEC 17799.

This information security policy requirements table contains a partial list of security or privacy-related regulations and their specific information security policy requirements. Where appropriate, the list includes the security policy requirements of several key frameworks used to manage compliance with various regulations. Organizations may use this table to help build a case to senior management that written security policies are "not just a good idea, they're the law."

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